Equipped with 30 years of experience in CAD, the Founders of ActCAD gathered their mutual initiative and first ventured into developing one of its earliest maiden CAD Software – Power DraftCAD in the 1990s. It was a DXF based light weight CAD software supported on Windows OS. Encouraged with its success, Jytra Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd (India) under the aegis of Jytra Group of Companies was established in 2006 with a focus to develop custom CAD Software. This followed with becoming a Commercial Member of IntelliCAD Technology Consortium, USA. ActCAD, based on IntelliCAD Technology launched a fully packed CAD Software that was high on features and low on price for the Global Market. The driving force behind this was, “Not all Good Products Need to be Un-necessarily Expensive”.
About ActCAD
Within a short span ActCAD Products today have reached 86 Countries. The patrons of the software range from Individual Users to Corporate Giants who have found ActCAD as a suitable alternative compared to highly priced industry leaders. On the basis of month-on-month, ActCAD is increasing its footprint globally. This success is attributed to the stringent quality control of the Software and humble but strong Technical Support even to the Trial Users.